Monday, October 27, 2014

Customized login pages in WSO2 IS in OAuth2 flow

Customizing the login page to the server is available for SAML2, OAuth and OpenID flows. In this blog post I'm going to explain how to customize the login page for OAuth2 authentication flow. If you want to know about this on SAML2 the steps are explained in the WSO2 IS docs under customizing login pages.  Here, I'm using WSO2 IS 5.0.0 which is the latest release.

1. Check out the source code of the authenticationendpoint web app from the SVN location
2. Modify the existing located at src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/identity/application/authentication/endpoint/oauth2 as indicated below.

In the doGet method change
String applicationName = request.getParameter("application");
to String applicationName = request.getParameter("relyingParty");

with this modification it identifies the application name as the value for "relyingParty" in the request.

3. Build the source and replace the existing <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/authenticationendpoint.war file with the new war file. Also, delete the existing expanded authenticationendpoint folder at the same location. (Take a backup of the existing authenticationendpoint folder if needed)

4. Start the server

5. Add init parameters to the "OAuth2Login" servlet in the web.xml file located in the expanded web app as below.

The param-name should be in the format
(the client key received at the application registration)

The param-value is the customized page location

6. Place the customized login page at the same level as 'login.jsp'. Also, if there are css files and images then put them inside the respective folders in the authenticationendpoint.

7. Restart the server and you will be able to see the new login page when you login to the web app.

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