- Interfacing tasks in Carbon servers.
- Trigger web tasks remotely
1. Download TS and DSS product zip files and extract them.
2. We are going to run 2 carbon servers in the same machine. Therefore, we need to change the port index of DSS in CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/carbon.xml so that the DSS nodes will run without conflicting with other server.
In carbon.xml, change the following element in order to run the DSS in HTTP port 9764 and HTTPS port 9444.
3. Open the tasks-config.xml file of your carbon server (e,g. DSS Server). You can find this file from the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/etc directory. Do the following changes.
4. Set the task server mode to REMOTE.
By setting this mode, we can configure the carbon server to run it's task remotely.
5. Point the taskclientdispatchaddress to the same DSS server address.
6. Remote address URL and credentials to login to the server should be defined.
7. Start the Task Server.
8. Start the DSS Server. You can see it is started in REMOTE mode from the startup logs
9. Now you can add a task from management console of the DSS Server.
10. You can verify that the task is running on the Task Server by the logs printed in the TS logs